Part of Skilvul DTS PROA UI/UX Design Batch 3 - 2022 Program

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PasarPolis is the first and leading Insurance Technology (Insurtech) platform in Indonesia with a focus on micro transactions. This company has goals to simplify and speed up all processes from purchasing rights to policies to claiming. One of PasarPolis platform is PasarPolis Employee Benefit PasarPolis wants to enhace user experience of this website platform and create a challenge partnering with Skilvul.


Team Roles

I collaborated with 2 other team members,

Inke Tyara Putri and Syahril Ramadhan

As a UX Designer, I was responsible for:

  1. Researched about user pain points and preferences of insurance platform.
  2. Defined and prioritized user pain points.
  3. Created user flow.
  4. Designed wifeframe and design systems.
  5. Connecting high fidelity design to become prototype.
  6. Conducted user testing.

Design Process

We used Design Thinking Process to solve user-centered problems. This process include 5 steps: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototyping and Testing.